Выберите город
- Heartherfield, Parish of Clarendon
- Heathfield, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Heathfield, Parish of Clarendon
- Heavitree, Parish of Manchester
- Hectors River, Parish of Portland
- Helicon, Parish of Saint Ann
- Hermitage, Parish of Saint James
- Hermitage, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Hermitage, Parish of Manchester
- Hesse Cassel, Parish of Saint Ann
- Heywood Hall, Parish of Saint Mary
- Hibernia, Parish of Manchester
- Higgin Town, Parish of Saint Ann
- Higgins Land
- Highgate, Parish of Saint Mary
- Highgate, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Highland Castle, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Hill Top, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Hillsborough, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Hillside, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Hillside, Parish of Clarendon
- Hinds Town, Parish of Saint Ann
- Hodges, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Hog Hole, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Hog Hole, Parish of Manchester
- Holland, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Holland, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Holland Park, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Holyland Corner, Parish of Clarendon
- Home Castle, Parish of Saint Ann
- Hope, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Hope, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Hope, Parish of Clarendon
- Hope, Parish of Manchester
- Hope Bay, Parish of Portland
- Hope Hall, Parish of Hanover
- Hope Pastures, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Hopefield, Parish of Portland
- Hopeton, Parish of Saint James
- Hopeton, Parish of Portland
- Hopeton, Parish of Westmoreland
- Hopeton, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Hopewell, Parish of Hanover
- Hopewell, Parish of Saint Ann
- Hopewell, Parish of Westmoreland
- Hopewell, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Hopewell, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Hopewell, Parish of Manchester
- Hopewell, Parish of Clarendon
- Hopewell Hall, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Hordley, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Huntley, Parish of Saint Ann
- Huntley, Parish of Manchester
- Huntley, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Huntley Village, Parish of Saint Ann
- Hunts Pen, Parish of Clarendon
- Huntstown, Parish of Saint Mary
- Hutchensons Hale, Parish of Saint Ann
- Hutchensons Turret, Parish of Saint Ann
- Hyde and Gibraltar, Parish of Trelawny
- Hyde Hall, Parish of Trelawny
- Independence City
- Industry, Parish of Portland
- Industry, Parish of Saint James
- Industry, Parish of Saint Ann
- Industry, Parish of Clarendon
- Innswood, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Inverness, Parish of Saint Ann
- Inverness, Parish of Clarendon
- Ipswich, Parish of Portland
- Ipswich, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Irish Town, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Irons Mountain
- Ironshore, Parish of Saint James
- Irwin, Parish of Saint James
- Isle, Parish of Manchester
- Islington, Parish of Saint Ann
- Islington, Parish of Saint Mary
- Islington, Parish of Portland
- Iter Boreale, Parish of Saint Mary
- Iver Cottage, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Ivy Mount, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Jack Monday, Parish of Clarendon
- Jack River, Parish of Saint Mary
- Jacks Hill, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Jacks Lodge, Parish of Saint Ann
- Jacks Rock, Parish of Saint Mary
- Jackson Town, Parish of Trelawny
- Jackson Village, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Jacksons Bay, Parish of Clarendon
- Jamaica
- James Hill, Parish of Clarendon
- Jane Marks, Parish of Westmoreland
- Java, Parish of Manchester
- Jeffrey Town, Parish of Saint Mary
- Jericho, Parish of Hanover
- Jericho, Parish of Saint James
- Jericho, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Jerusalem, Parish of Westmoreland
- Jew Hill, Parish of Hanover
- Jobs Hill
- Johns Hall, Parish of Saint James
- Johns Hall, Parish of Saint Ann
- Johns Hall, Parish of Clarendon
- Johns Hall, Parish of Manchester
- Johns Hall, Parish of Portland
- Johns Lodge, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Johns Town, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Johnson Mountain, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Johnson Town, Parish of Hanover
- Johnston Pen, Parish of Trelawny
- Johnston Village, Parish of Saint Ann
- Jointwood, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Jones Moreland, Parish of Hanover
- Jones Pen, Parish of Westmoreland
- Jones Pen, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Jones Town, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Jubilee Town
- Junction, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Kan Pan, Parish of Westmoreland
- Katram Castle, Parish of Saint Ann
- Keanwood, Parish of Manchester
- Keith, Parish of Saint Ann
- Kellits, Parish of Clarendon
- Kemps Hill, Parish of Clarendon
- Kempshot, Parish of Hanover
- Kempshot, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Kencot, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Kendal, Parish of Manchester
- Kennedys, Parish of Clarendon
- Kensington, Parish of Saint Ann
- Kensington, Parish of Portland
- Kensington, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Kent, Parish of Trelawny
- Kent Village, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Kentish, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Kepham, Parish of Westmoreland
- Keppoch, Parish of Saint Ann
- Kew, Parish of Hanover
- Kew, Parish of Portland
- Kew Park, Parish of Westmoreland
- Kilbies, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Kildare, Parish of Portland
- Kildare, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Kilmarnoch, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Kilmorey, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Kings Pen, Parish of Westmoreland
- Kings Valley, Parish of Westmoreland
- Kingston, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Kingsvale, Parish of Hanover
- Kingswood, Parish of Westmoreland
- Kinloss, Parish of Trelawny
- Kirklands, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Kirkpatrick Hall, Parish of Saint James
- Kitson Town, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Knapdale, Parish of Saint Ann
- Knights, Parish of Clarendon
- Knockalva, Parish of Hanover
- Knockpatrick, Parish of Manchester
- Knollis, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Knutsford, Parish of Saint Ann
- Konigsberg, Parish of Saint Mary
- Kupuis, Parish of Clarendon
- Labyrinth, Parish of Saint Mary
- Lacovia, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Lambs River, Parish of Westmoreland
- Lancaster, Parish of Trelawny
- Lancaster, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Lancaster, Parish of Manchester
- Lance Wood Valley, Parish of Clarendon
- Lances Bay, Parish of Hanover
- Langley, Parish of Saint Mary
- Laughlands, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lawrence Tavern, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Leamington, Parish of Westmoreland
- Lebanon, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Leeds, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Leicesterfields, Parish of Clarendon
- Leith Hall, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Lennansville, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Lennox, Parish of Portland
- Lenox, Parish of Westmoreland
- Leogan, Parish of Saint James
- Lethe, Parish of Hanover
- Lewis, Parish of Saint Mary
- Lewis, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lewis Town, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Lewisville
- Leyton Valley, Parish of Portland
- Liberty Castle, Parish of Saint Mary
- Liberty Hill, Parish of Clarendon
- Liberty Valley, Parish of Saint Ann
- Liguanea, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Lilliput, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Lima, Parish of Saint James
- Lime Hall, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lime Hall, Parish of Clarendon
- Lime Tree Garden, Parish of Saint Ann
- Limetree Valley, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lincoln, Parish of Manchester
- Lindale Pen, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lindos Gap, Parish of Saint Andrew
- Linstead, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Linton Park
- Lionel Town, Parish of Clarendon
- Litchfield, Parish of Trelawny
- Lititz, Parish of Manchester
- Little Angels, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Little Bay, Parish of Westmoreland
- Little Broughton, Parish of Westmoreland
- Little Ease, Parish of Saint James
- Little London, Parish of Westmoreland
- Little Mountain, Parish of Manchester
- Little Park, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Little River, Parish of Saint James
- Little Spring Garden, Parish of Portland
- Llandewey, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Llandilo, Parish of Westmoreland
- Llandovery, Parish of Saint Ann
- Llanrumney, Parish of Saint Mary
- Lloyds, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Lloyds Pen, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Lluidas Vale, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Lochaber, Parish of Manchester
- Lodge, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lodge Bush, Parish of Westmoreland
- Logan Castle, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Logans Junction, Parish of Clarendon
- Logens Pen, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Logie Green, Parish of Clarendon
- Logwood, Parish of Hanover
- Long Bay, Parish of Portland
- Long Hill, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Long Hill, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Long Pond, Parish of Trelawny
- Long Pond Pen, Parish of Westmoreland
- Long Road
- Long Wood, Parish of Clarendon
- Longacre, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Longville, Parish of Clarendon
- Longville Park, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Look Out, Parish of Saint Mary
- Lookout, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Lottery, Parish of Trelawny
- Lottery, Parish of Saint James
- Lovers Leap, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Low Ground Pen, Parish of Clarendon
- Low Leyton, Parish of Portland
- Lowe River, Parish of Trelawny
- Lower Esher, Parish of Saint Mary
- Lower Southfield, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Lower Tooting, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lowes Corner, Parish of Clarendon
- Lowes Pen, Parish of Clarendon
- Lows Mountain, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Lucea, Parish of Hanover
- Lucky Hill, Parish of Saint Mary
- Lucky Valley, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lucky Valley, Parish of Clarendon
- Lucky Valley, Parish of Manchester
- Ludlow, Parish of Clarendon
- Lumsdale, Parish of Saint Ann
- Lyssons, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Macca Tree, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Mackfield, Parish of Westmoreland
- Madras
- Maggotty, Parish of Hanover
- Maggotty, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Mahoe Garden, Parish of Clarendon
- Mahoe Hill, Parish of Saint Mary
- Mahogany Hall, Parish of Trelawny
- Mahogany Vale, Parish of Saint Thomas
- Maidstone, Parish of Portland
- Maidstone, Parish of Manchester
- Maimsey Valley, Parish of Clarendon
- Maldon Town, Parish of Saint James
- Malton, Parish of Manchester
- Malvern, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Malvern Chase, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Malvern Park, Parish of Saint Ann
- Malvern Well, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Mammee Bay, Parish of Saint Ann
- Manchioneal, Parish of Portland
- Manchioneal, Parish of Saint Elizabeth
- Mandeville, Parish of Manchester
- Mango Grove, Parish of Saint Ann
- Manningfield Pen, Parish of Clarendon
- Mannings Town, Parish of Saint Mary
- March Pen, Parish of Saint Catherine
- March Town, Parish of Hanover
- Market, Parish of Saint Ann
- Marlborough, Parish of Manchester
- Marlborough Castle, Parish of Portland
- Marley, Parish of Saint Mary
- Marley Hill, Parish of Manchester
- Marlie Hill, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Marlie Mount, Parish of Saint Catherine
- Maroon Town, Parish of Saint James
- Marshalls Pen, Parish of Manchester
- Martha Brae, Parish of Trelawny